5th meeting in Corum, Turkey
With the departure of the Polish partner, our Turkish partner school was given the opportunity to present its work, its commitment and its homeland to delegations of students from all project partners.
First of all, we were greeted in the most impressive way at the school. The hosts had prepared a real festive program that underlined the great importance of the project activities. In addition, we were all received by the mayor of the city of Corum. The city actively supports the school in its work.
At this meeting, too, the priority was on activities outside the school.
We got to know the rough natural beauties of the region and learned something about the importance of the Bogazkale area for the people of the area. We were warmly welcomed by a charitable group and served a breakfast that consisted exclusively of regional and seasonal products and was freshly prepared. We also had the opportunity to marvel at traditional handicrafts.
The next day we learned about the earlier way of life and the importance of close-to-nature agriculture in the region. All participants had the opportunity to try out the traditional way of life, which is very much influenced by Mongolian influences. In workshops, everyone could take part in archery, carry out traditional fights, slip into traditional clothing and create small works of art from the simplest materials. Everyone was amazed that if you use a certain painting technique, anyone can be an artist.
On the last day, too, it was time to be creative again. Under the guidance of members of an artists′ association, all participants made decorative objects from natural materials. As in previous meetings, the results of the work could also be taken home as a souvenir.